If social media is anything to go by, dog and cat vision are certainly having a moment, especially on TikTok, where it seems like practically every pet-owning user has accessed the platform’s wildly popular dog- and cat-vision filters.
Sooner or later, anyone with a dog or cat is bound to wonder how their pet sees the world. But are apps and filters really a good representation? Let’s take a look at what our furry friends can and can’t see compared to us.
The Basics of Dog and Cat Vision
At a fundamental, structural level, the eyes of dogs and cats are actually quite similar to humans: We all have retinas at the backs of our eyes, and they all work the same way. When we look at something, light hits this layer of tissue, which then converts that light into an electrical impulse. That impulse travels along the optic nerve to the brain and voilà: What you get is what you see.