Category:Artworks with digital representation of missing same main subject
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English: Files using {{Artwork}} with digital representation of (P6243) set, but main subject (P921) is missing.
Media in category "Artworks with digital representation of missing same main subject"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 137,486 total.
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'l boig de las campanillas (1865).djvu 685 × 1,002, 16 pages; 558 KB
(Agen) Autorretrato de Goya (1783) - Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Agen.jpg 5,968 × 8,590; 34.41 MB
(Agen) Dédale et Pasiphaé - Jean Lemaire - Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Agen.jpg 4,805 × 3,911; 13.25 MB
(Agen) Le Ballon - Francisco de Goya - Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Agen.jpg 5,012 × 6,280; 29.74 MB
(Agen) Portrait d'homme brun - Corneille de Lyon - Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Agen, 46 P.jpg 4,525 × 6,023; 22.32 MB
(Agen) Vénus, dites Vénus du Mas d'Agenais - Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Agen.jpg 11,008 × 14,292; 56.83 MB
(Gaillac) A Ségovie, vieille Castille - Joseph Latour - Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gaillac.jpg 4,474 × 6,499; 36.22 MB
(Gaillac) Femme dans un parc - Marie Bermond - Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gaillac.jpg 5,051 × 4,205; 31.39 MB
(Gaillac) Jeune paysan espagnol en costume Joseph Latour - Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gaillac.jpg 6,294 × 8,590; 36.86 MB
(Gaillac) Le peintre endormi - Henri Loubat - Musée des Beaux-Arts de Gaillac.jpg 5,398 × 6,692; 36.84 MB
04476501 alexander dumas.JPG 622 × 768; 310 KB
Diagnoses of new North American mammals (IA 806 × 1,314, 8 pages; 234 KB
Vestiges of the natural history of creation (IA 660 × 1,137, 372 pages; 11.92 MB
Martin's Natural history (IA 691 × 1,097, 500 pages; 17.6 MB
Methods of study in natural history (IA 647 × 1,054, 340 pages; 10.11 MB
Observations relative to lymphatic hearts (IA 718 × 1,241, 24 pages; 1.17 MB
Isthmia nervosa - a study of its modes of growth and reproduction (IA 841 × 1,333, 14 pages; 798 KB
Observations on the size of the brain in various races and families of man (IA 685 × 1,158, 4 pages; 187 KB
On the sanitary value of forests (IA 833 × 1,375, 16 pages; 715 KB
The fresh and salt-water aquarium (IA 750 × 1,047, 189 pages; 4.29 MB
Cheap cotton by free labor (IA 1,039 × 1,500, 57 pages; 1.32 MB
Don Juan d'Austria 1 (cropped).JPG 938 × 682; 638 KB
1807, Dramatiska teatern 1899. Föreställningsbild - SMV - DrT065.tif 14,378 × 11,485; 314.97 MB
1807, Dramatiska teatern 1899. Föreställningsbild - SMV - DrT066.tif 14,360 × 11,500; 314.99 MB
1918photoGrace-EricEnstrom.jpg 525 × 443; 64 KB
Cenni sul Museo civico di Milano (IA 1,112 × 1,454, 76 pages; 3.81 MB
1. Government forestry abroad (IA 1governmentfores00pincuoft).pdf 945 × 1,460, 118 pages; 6 MB
2021 — Zweite Julireise Mateus2019 Batch (161).jpg 2,073 × 2,786; 1.82 MB
The Melon Aphis (IA 280chit).pdf 795 × 1,258, 18 pages; 1.86 MB
High school botanical note book - part I... (IA 2highschoolbotan00spotuoft).pdf 1,031 × 1,425, 186 pages; 9.59 MB
Piojos de los pollos como controlarlos (IA 383unit).pdf 904 × 1,510, 5 pages; 3.6 MB
Le charbon et la vaccination charbonneuse d'après les travaux récents de M. Pasteur (IA 847 × 1,327, 332 pages; 10.68 MB
De vi atque usu nicotianae tabaci .. (IA 697 × 1,235, 38 pages; 947 KB
Don précieux aux amis, traitant des qualités des végétaux et des simples (IA 920 × 1,333, 214 pages; 9.01 MB
3 Bars ecosystem and landscape restoration project - draft environmental impact statement (IA 3barsecosystemla00unit).pdf 1,633 × 2,193, 816 pages; 270.54 MB
A treatise on analytical statics, with numerous examples (IA 3rdtreatiseonana00todhuoft).pdf 706 × 1,110, 384 pages; 22.21 MB
Sketches of imposture, deception, and credulity (IA 475 × 762, 287 pages; 7.65 MB
The manufacture of neufchâtel and cream cheese in the factory (IA 669math).pdf 737 × 1,266, 36 pages; 2.91 MB
Hand-book of physiology; (IA 8thhandbookofphy00kirkuoft).pdf 750 × 1,127, 860 pages; 51.39 MB
Descriptions of extinct batrachia and reptilia from the Permian Formation of Texas (IA 816 × 1,372, 30 pages; 1.43 MB
Encyclopaedia Britannica - a dictionary of arts, sciences, and general literature (IA 9thedencyclopaed04philuoft).pdf 1,181 × 1,645, 812 pages; 78.13 MB
A. Tanner Bicycles and Motorcycles - men in front with motorbike.jpg 2,027 × 1,405; 1.98 MB
Discourses; biological & geological - essays (IA a588258200huxluoft).pdf 693 × 1,054, 414 pages; 20.6 MB
Aanteekeningen over de anatomie van den Cryptobranchus Japonicus (IA aanteekeningenov00schm).pdf 1,183 × 1,664, 114 pages; 6.01 MB
Aaron Low materials) (electronic resource (IA AaronLowmateria00Aaro).pdf 852 × 1,320, 90 pages; 6.54 MB
Abacá (manila hemp) (IA abacmanilahemp00edwarich).pdf 675 × 1,047, 72 pages; 3.2 MB
Abanindranath Tagore - The Passing of Shah Jahan, 1902.jpg 1,186 × 1,685; 864 KB
Abbey & Imbrie centennial fish stories (IA abbeyimbriecente00abbe).pdf 822 × 1,306, 64 pages; 2.76 MB
Abbildungen und Beschreibungen fossiler Pflanzen-Reste der palaeozoischen und mesozoischen Formationen (IA AbbildungenundBVIPoto).pdf 1,731 × 2,477, 96 pages; 25.92 MB
Abbildungen von Vogel-Skeletten (IA AbbildungenvonV1Meye).pdf 1,660 × 2,064, 358 pages; 44.21 MB
Abbildungen von Vogel-Skeletten (IA AbbildungenvonV2Meye).pdf 1,656 × 2,064, 406 pages; 62.29 MB
Abbildung und beschreibung einiger chilenischer fische (IA Abbildungundbes00Phil).pdf 1,404 × 1,760, 46 pages; 3.14 MB
The elementary principles of general biology (IA abbottbiology00abborich).pdf 633 × 1,041, 354 pages; 18.98 MB
A. B. C. in butter making; (IA abcinbuttermakin00monr).pdf 1,083 × 1,672, 122 pages; 10.79 MB
The A B C of corn culture (IA abcofcornculture00hold).pdf 802 × 1,275, 110 pages; 7.61 MB
A-B-C of gardening (IA abcofgardening00rexf).pdf 635 × 989, 136 pages; 4.61 MB
The A B C of photo-micrography; a practical hand-book for beginners (IA abcofphotomicrog00walmrich).pdf 725 × 1,054, 204 pages; 13.16 MB
A-B-C of vegetable gardening (IA abcofvegetablega00rexf).pdf 691 × 1,077, 134 pages; 8.38 MB
Abdrücke lebendiger Kräuter (IA abdruckelebendig00mart).pdf 800 × 1,175, 58 pages; 3.66 MB
Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers and the investigation of truth. (IA Abercrombie1838wa66W).pdf 4,731 × 7,320, 484 pages; 557.04 MB
Abhandlung über die männlichen Zeugungstheile der Vögel (IA abhandlungberd00tann).pdf 1,054 × 1,343, 56 pages; 2.94 MB
Ueber den Bau des Delphingehirnes (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-1-001-016).pdf 1,100 × 1,431, 26 pages; 1.17 MB
Molluskologische Beiträge (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-1-099-130).pdf 1,100 × 1,431, 42 pages; 2.17 MB
Beiträge zur Anatomie der Spinnen (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-1-131-161).pdf 1,100 × 1,431, 37 pages; 1.9 MB
Revision der Heliophileen (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-1-173-193).pdf 1,100 × 1,431, 154 pages; 5.64 MB
Beitrag zur Ornithologie Westafrica's (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-2-2-001-068).pdf 1,093 × 1,475, 91 pages; 3.96 MB
Beiträge zur ferneren Kenntnis der Meerschlangen (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-2-2-069-086).pdf 1,093 × 1,475, 43 pages; 1.46 MB
Das Gold der Goldküste, besonders das von Elmina (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-2-2-087-108).pdf 1,093 × 1,475, 22 pages; 1.01 MB
Die Gehirnnerven der Saurier (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-2-2-109-212).pdf 1,093 × 1,475, 109 pages; 6.19 MB
Die Familie der Seeschlangen (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-3-001-078).pdf 1,143 × 1,533, 89 pages; 5.09 MB
Taxonomy Archive (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-3-117-171).pdf 1,143 × 1,533, 92 pages; 4.39 MB
Neue aalaehnliche Fische des Hamburger Museums (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-4-2-001-029).pdf 5,541 × 7,016, 34 pages; 5.24 MB
Die Gattung "Lysimachia" L (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-4-4-001-045).pdf 5,566 × 6,964, 95 pages; 10.12 MB
Die Algen des tropischen Australiens (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-5-2-033-074).pdf 866 × 1,139, 53 pages; 2.73 MB
Die Spatangiden des Hamburger Museums (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-5-4-001-023).pdf 866 × 1,139, 27 pages; 1.18 MB
Ueber die Bryozoen-Gattung Adeona (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-7-1-001-024).pdf 812 × 1,108, 30 pages; 1.62 MB
Ein neuer Hirsch aus dem Amurlande (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-7-1-032-035).pdf 812 × 1,108, 5 pages; 273 KB
Die Pteropoden des Hamburger Museums (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-7-1-067-099).pdf 812 × 1,108, 35 pages; 1.78 MB
Die Grundlagen der Photometrie (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-7-2-001-015).pdf 812 × 1,108, 15 pages; 710 KB
Taxonomy Archive (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-7-2-001-122).pdf 812 × 1,108, 131 pages; 6.2 MB
Eine neue Form des Bunsen-Photometers (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-8-001-008).pdf 5,702 × 7,952, 8 pages; 1.22 MB
Herpetologische Bemerkungen (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-8-001-011).pdf 5,764 × 7,952, 12 pages; 1.96 MB
Nordische Gatungen und Arten von Sertulariden (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-8-001-056).pdf 5,720 × 7,952, 61 pages; 11.77 MB
Nebelglüh-Apparat (IA abhandlungen-aus-dem-gebiete-der-naturwissenschaften-hamburg-8-1001-1008).pdf 5,702 × 7,952, 8 pages; 1.24 MB
Abhandlungen aus der menschlichen und vergleichenden Anatomie (IA abhandlungenausd00grub).pdf 1,264 × 1,720, 394 pages; 31.21 MB
Abhandlungen der Mathematisch-Physikalischen Classe der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (IA abhandlungender241910knig).pdf 1,147 × 1,604, 730 pages; 42.61 MB
Abhandlungen der Schweizerischen Paläontologischen Gesellschaft (IA abhandlungenders1187schw).pdf 1,256 × 1,735, 44 pages; 2.21 MB
Abhandlungen zur geologischen Specialkarte von Preussen und den Thüringischen Staaten (IA abhandlungenzurg7276preu).pdf 835 × 1,470, 818 pages; 50.04 MB
Abhandlung von Bäumen, Stauden und Straüchen - welche in Frankreich in freier Luft erzogen werden (IA abhandlungvonbau01duha).pdf 1,025 × 1,352, 374 pages; 30.09 MB
Abhandlung von Bäumen, Stauden und Straüchen - welche in Frankreich in freier Luft erzogen werden (IA abhandlungvonbau02duha).pdf 1,012 × 1,320, 420 pages; 38.07 MB
A-birding on a bronco (IA abirdingonbronco00bail).pdf 664 × 1,025, 274 pages; 13.14 MB
Aboriginal chipped stone implements of New York (IA aboriginalchippe00beauiala).pdf 966 × 1,439, 138 pages; 6.65 MB
Aboriginal tobaccos (IA aboriginaltobacc00setcrich).pdf 1,039 × 1,537, 30 pages; 1.36 MB
Abortion in cows (IA abortionincows00robe).pdf 670 × 991, 72 pages; 2.05 MB
Abridged catalogue of fruit & ornamental trees, vines, roses, etc. (IA abridgedcatalogu00edwa).pdf 1,039 × 1,545, 6 pages; 494 KB
The abridged catalogue of the Lyons Nurseries (IA abridgedcatalogu00ewar).pdf 970 × 1,172, 8 pages; 341 KB
Abridged catalogue (IA abridgedcatalogu1926henr).pdf 1,072 × 1,552, 34 pages; 5.78 MB
Abri-sous-roche préhistorique de la Colombière près Poncin (Ain) (IA abrisousrocheprh00maye).pdf 870 × 1,308, 324 pages; 22.94 MB
Abriss der Finanzwissenschaft (IA abrissderfinanzw00lehruoft).pdf 683 × 1,087, 54 pages; 2.43 MB
Abscission of flowers and fruits in the Solanaceae, with special reference to Nicotiana (IA abscissionofflow00kendrich).pdf 779 × 1,418, 110 pages; 18.87 MB
Absorption by colloidal and noncolloidal soil constituents (IA absorptionbycoll1122ande).pdf 735 × 1,254, 20 pages; 1.64 MB
Absorption and retention of hydrocyanic acid by fumigated food products (IA absorptionretent1149grif).pdf 762 × 1,293, 18 pages; 1.55 MB
Absorption and retention of hydrocyanic acid by fumigated food products, part II (IA absorptionretent1307grif).pdf 764 × 1,277, 10 pages; 824 KB
Abstract from the returns of agricultural societies in Massachusetts (IA abstractfromretu1845mass).pdf 750 × 1,345, 230 pages; 11.14 MB
Abstract of the proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New York (IA abstractof11418881902linn).pdf 772 × 1,320, 526 pages; 31.2 MB
Abstract of laws relating to birds (IA abstractoflawsre01rhod).pdf 758 × 1,204, 14 pages; 333 KB
An abstract of the most useful and necessary articles (IA abstractofmostus00lfli).pdf 691 × 1,156, 366 pages; 29.72 MB
The abuse of the scaphander in the sponge fisheries (IA abuseofscaphande00fl).pdf 777 × 1,141, 46 pages; 1.8 MB
The abutilon moth - by F.H. Chittenden (IA abutilonmothbyfh126chit).pdf 727 × 1,247, 20 pages; 1.44 MB
Abyssal Decapod Crustacea of the "Albatross" dredgings in the North Atlantic (IA abyssaldecapodcr00smit).pdf 768 × 1,341, 36 pages; 1.57 MB
The Acadian forest (IA acadianforest00dorr).pdf 779 × 1,233, 8 pages; 773 KB
Acari, Myriopoda et Scorpiones, hucusque in Italia reperta ... (fasc. 1-4) (IA acarimyriopodaet1188297berl).pdf 872 × 1,320, 254 pages; 10.1 MB
The Acarina or mites. A review of the group for the use of economic entomologists (IA acarinaormitesre10bank).pdf 745 × 1,237, 148 pages; 13.69 MB
Accepting the universe (IA acceptingunivers00burr).pdf 712 × 1,060, 352 pages; 12.02 MB
Accessible field sports - the experiences of a sportsman in North America (IA accessiblefields00gillrich).pdf 647 × 1,120, 362 pages; 22.2 MB
Acclimatization of American fishes in Argentina (IA acclimatizationo00tuli).pdf 991 × 1,293, 24 pages; 932 KB
A accão do salitre sobre as plantas é immediata e permanente .. (IA accodosalitres00medi).pdf 677 × 918, 22 pages; 694 KB
Accounting records for sampling apples by weight (IA accountingrecord1006conn).pdf 731 × 1,227, 26 pages; 1.78 MB
Accounting records and business methods for live-stock shipping associations (IA accountingrecord1150robo).pdf 745 × 1,264, 68 pages; 5.65 MB
Accounting records for country creameries (IA accountingrecord559hump).pdf 804 × 1,310, 48 pages; 4.04 MB
An account of the Arctic regions with a history and description of the northern whale-fishery (IA accountofarcticr01scor).pdf 833 × 1,322, 670 pages; 33.4 MB
An account of the Arctic regions with a history and description of the northern whale-fishery (IA accountofarcticr02scor).pdf 800 × 1,304, 640 pages; 33.19 MB
An account of the birds (IA accountofbirds00coll).pdf 1,212 × 1,593, 74 pages; 3.49 MB
An account of British flies (Diptera) (IA accountofbritish00theo).pdf 881 × 1,389, 252 pages; 14.1 MB
An account of the collections of birds made by Mr. William Doherty in the Eastern Archipelago (IA accountofcollect00hartrich).pdf 1,025 × 1,520, 70 pages; 12.66 MB
An account of the Crustacea of Norway, with short descriptions and figures of all the species (IA accountofcrustac01sars).pdf 793 × 1,275, 734 pages; 54.26 MB
An account of the culture and use of the mangelwurzel (IA accountofculture00comm).pdf 789 × 1,327, 84 pages; 6.97 MB
An account of the deep-sea Madreporaria collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey ship Investigator (IA accountofdeepsea00alc).pdf 1,200 × 1,800, 61 pages; 3.15 MB
An account of the deep-sea Brachyura collected by the Royal Indian Marine Survey ship Investigator (IA accountofdeepsea00alco).pdf 1,285 × 1,827, 114 pages; 6.45 MB
An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches (IA accountoffishesf00hami).pdf 1,258 × 1,600, 428 pages; 20.28 MB
An account of the habits, changes and diseases of the Bombyx mori, or common silkworm (IA accountofhabitsc00boys).pdf 793 × 1,358, 28 pages; 1.5 MB
An account of the history and present state of galvanism (microform) (IA accountofhistory00bostrich).pdf 720 × 1,304, 178 pages; 24.07 MB
An account of the insects noxious to agriculture and plants in New Zealand (IA accountofinsects00maskrich).pdf 858 × 1,402, 228 pages; 14.19 MB
An account of a new genus of plants, named Rafflesia (IA accountofnewgenu00brow).pdf 1,189 × 1,664, 60 pages; 3.37 MB
An account of New Zealand (IA accountofnewzeal02yate).pdf 647 × 1,093, 358 pages; 27.31 MB
An account of the Smithsonian Institution, its founder, building, operations, etc. (IA accountofsmithso00rheeuoft).pdf 637 × 1,054, 84 pages; 6.3 MB
An account of the systems of husbandry adopted in the more improved districts of Scotland .. (IA accountofsystems01sinciala).pdf 670 × 1,237, 466 pages; 36.1 MB
An account of various experiments for the production of new and desirable grapes (IA accountofvarious00hask).pdf 737 × 1,216, 32 pages; 1.16 MB
An account of the war customs of the Osages (IA accountofwarcust00dors).pdf 781 × 1,333, 30 pages; 1.5 MB
Accuracy in commercial grading of opened eggs (IA accuracyincommer391jenk).pdf 781 × 1,281, 40 pages; 3.11 MB
Accuracy of early stand exam age estimates in the Swan Valley of western Montana (IA accuracyofearlys422hart).pdf 1,445 × 1,902, 4 pages; 339 KB
The accuracy of stand height measurements on aerial photos in the Rocky Mountains (IA accuracyofstandh25moes).pdf 1,106 × 1,516, 6 pages; 274 KB
Aceraceae of Nevada (IA aceraceaeofnevad03mull).pdf 1,068 × 1,493, 10 pages; 309 KB
Anniversary memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History (IA 1,295 × 1,775, 142 pages; 8.78 MB
Acidity and acidimetry of soils (IA acidityacidimetr00knig).pdf 750 × 1,187, 50 pages; 1.83 MB
Acidity as a factor in determining the degree of soundness of corn (IA acidityasfactori102besl).pdf 745 × 1,258, 48 pages; 4.61 MB
The acid lime fruit in Hawaii (IA acidlimefruitinh49pope).pdf 843 × 1,393, 32 pages; 3.38 MB
Acoustic propagation in the Somali basin. (IA acousticpropagat00hann).pdf 1,210 × 1,662, 200 pages; 4.66 MB
Acquaint yourself with the advantages of hybrid corn (IA acquaintyourself1956rela).pdf 612 × 1,391, 4 pages; 488 KB
Caybigan (IA 616 × 793, 364 pages; 11.44 MB
Acrididen Japans (IA acrididenjapans00shirrich).pdf 1,052 × 1,445, 108 pages; 9.89 MB
Act 44 to provide for the encouragment of agriculture (IA act44toprovidefo00hawa).pdf 627 × 1,010, 24 pages; 1,011 KB
Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de la República Argentina en Córdoba (IA actasdelaaca719211922acad).pdf 1,397 × 2,010, 474 pages; 54.77 MB
Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica (IA actasocietatispr27soci).pdf 904 × 1,393, 416 pages; 19.87 MB
Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae (IA actasocietatissc01suom).pdf 1,075 × 1,472, 868 pages; 29.53 MB
Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae (IA actasocietatissc02suom).pdf 793 × 1,097, 854 pages; 31.61 MB
Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae (IA actasocietatissc03suom).pdf 1,110 × 1,514, 998 pages; 36.5 MB
Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae (IA actasocietatissc05suom).pdf 1,281 × 1,654, 638 pages; 26.21 MB